Missions Mobilization

Associational Efforts

The South Central Baptist Association resources and mobilizes local churches to reach the community and beyond. The association is home to the International Ministry Center which hosts several churches.

Every Church on Mission

This initiative has now launched and is designed to help churches discover and take their next missional step. Every church, regardless of size, location, or demographic, is capable of taking their next step toward fulfillment of the Great Commission. Each church will personalize the experience by determining which of the four key elements they need to address. Then, the church will explore and answer discovery questions that are designed to help assess the church’s level of missions engagement. And finally, determine which recommended resource they will use to assist in taking that next step.

North American Mission Board, NAMB

The North American Mission Board has strategically developed church planting and outreach need across our nations.

International Mission Board, IMB

As a part of the cooperative program, our association fully encourages churches to support the International Mission board.

Disaster Relief

Kentucky has an active disaster relief program that works in concert with similar programs in other states. More than 2,500 individuals are trained as Kentucky Baptist relief workers. South Central Baptist association has an active disaster relief program with two trailers prepared to meet many of the needs that might arise.