
Legacy Church and Replanting
A legacy church or a church replant is one who makes a planned decision to gift their assets to a church plant or a sister church who will assume these gifts and restart the church.
Calling Out the Called Pastor Initiative
Churches are having great difficulty finding candidates to fill their fulltime and bivocational pastorate positions. The calling Out the Called initiative is a pastor pipeline with the primary goal of training up local men to fill those bivocational pastorates. THis emphasis will encourage men to serve as pastors and women in other ministry-related callings as well. Our association holds monthly bivocational pastor gatheings for encouragement and training.
Ministry Area Profile-Percept Demographic Study
We can provide a Ministry Area Profile based on zip code, designated mile radius, or other defined boundaries. The ministry area profile gives a snapshot view of population, lifestyle, race/ethnicity, household income, population by age, preferences, and maps. These demographics can be used when developing missions engagement and revitalization strategies for associational churches.
Pastor Search Committees
The association helps train and equip pastor search committees, as well as help churches that are seeking to find a new pastor. We assist a church in walking through a process of when their pastor leaves until a new pastor arrives. We also assist churches in finding interim and transitional pastors to assist them during this time.
Pastor Training
The association provides many training events throughout the year to assist pastors in discipleship, evangelism, missions, and ministry.